EXCON expands field service network: New auditor team in France

EXCON now operates its own network of trained professionals to match the groups high quality standards

EXCON now operates its own network of professional auditors in France

EXCON Group has expanded its European field service network and now also operates with its own auditors in France. The team is managed centrally by the EXCON back office and trained according to strict quality standards.

"In order for us to meet the high demands that our clients and we ourselves place on our services, the establishment and training of our own French auditor network were important steps," explains Fabien Ponchard, New Business Director for EXCON in France. Accordingly, EXCON refrains from using external providers to carry out floor checks and other audit assignments in the mobility and finance sectors. "We are measured by the quality of our work," says Ponchard. "Internal quality control is correspondingly important, which is not always possible to the highest degree when using external providers." 
In addition to its field services, EXCON Group is internationally renowned for its sophisticated and intelligent audit software. Based on user-friendly cloud software and its own apps for mobile devices, audits are planned, carried out, evaluated and validated on this digital platform. Numerous international OEMs and banks now rely on the self-check solution of the EXCON audit software in addition to the audit service provided by experts on site.