Data and system audits

Enhance physical and remote audits with meaningful data


We enrich your audit results with meaningful data and information and prepare the result for you on our ex:plore audit platform in a user-friendly and well-organized layout. The data reaches our system either via manual data upload or, for more extensive or long-term projects, via an interface between our platform and your databases. We supplement your audit results with the targeted compilation of additional information and uncover further details and correlations. By connecting our platform to our clients' systems, we also achieve a higher degree of automation for large projects.


EXCON Automated Data Evaluation


Automated evaluation of data collected during on-site or remote audits




EXCON compliance

Creation of reports

Automated, data-based creation of reports on a dealer basis.



EXCON Workflows und Prozesse

Automatic triggers

Data collected during the audit triggers further action or notifications according to a set of rules defined by our clients

EXCON Data Enrichment

Enrichment of results

We enrich the results of your remote or on-site audits with data collected elsewhere


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